


A Study of Interpersonal Behaviors and the Supervisee's Perceptions in Counseling Supervision Process




翁令珍(Ling-Chen Weng);廖鳳池(Feng-Tsu Liao)


人際行為 ; 社會行為結構分析 ; 受督導者知覺 ; 重要事件 ; 諮商督導歷程 ; counseling supervision process ; interpersonal behaviors ; significant events ; supervisee's perceptions ; Structural Analysis of Social Behavior




37卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


99 - 122






The purposes of the study was mainly to investigate the supervisee's perceptions in counseling supervision process and his or her interpersonal behaviors that shown during counseling, also to find out the relationship between interpersonal behaviors and the supervisee's perceptions. Sessions of a volunteer supervision dyad were recorded, and material of the supervisee's perceptions was collected by using Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR). In total of 19 events were taking into account and analyzed. The interpersonal process of all events were intensively analyzed with the cluster version of Structural Analysis of Social Behaviors(SASB). This study findings showed: Firstly, it was often to see that the supervisor displayed ”affirming” or ”protecting” behaviors while the supervisee exhibited ”disclosing” or ”trusting” behaviors, which ”complementary” seem to be appropriate to illustrated the form of interactions. Secondly, there were seven different categories of supervisee-perceived significant factors as well as seven different categories of immediate impacts were gained from the study. Lastly, the characters of event themes, interpersonal behaviors and the supervisee's perceptions changed with supervision stages, it also found that the supervisee could clearly perceive the supervisor's controlling, hostile, and disclosure behaviors. In addition, suggestion for practice and implication for future research were discussed and provided based in the study findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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