


Analysis of Reliability Amd Validity of 8 Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire




周子敬(Rejoice Tzu-Chin Chou)


多元智慧 ; 構念效度 ; 探索性因素分析EFA ; 驗證性因素分析CFA ; multiple intelligence ; construct validity ; exploratory factor analysis EFA ; confirmatory factor analysis CFA




37卷3期(2006 / 03 / 01)


215 - 229




本研究目的在於檢測Gardner所倡導八大多元智慧並確認是否適用於台灣。根據Pérez,Beltramino,& Cupani(2005)等人所建立八大多元智慧量表,針對國內16-20歲(與Pérez等人所調查年齡相同)樣本進行便利抽樣,以檢測相關智慧構念存在性及適用性。主要發現,分述如次:(1)八大智慧Cronbach's α都超過0.9以上(n=1449)及各智慧之間的相關係數均達0.001顯著水準,表示此量表有很高的一致性和可靠性;(2)經EFA,通過文獻建議五項議題檢驗,萃取出八大智慧因素共有69個項目,特徵值總解釋變異達68.97%;(3)經CFA檢驗八大智慧因素構念效度從69個項目縮減為52個項目。根據以上信、效度分析結果,本研究歸納出來的八大多元智慧問卷可以適用於國內環境。


The aim of this study was to examine Gradner's 8 multiple intelligences and to identify its applicability in Taiwan. The questionnaire, based on the collective work of Pérez, Beltramino & Cupani (2003), sampled subjects from the age group of 16-20 in Taiwan (same age population as Pérez et al., 2005) and tested the existence and applicability of relevant intelligence constructs. The important findings were as follows: (a) The Cronbach's α for all intellengences exceeded. 9 (n=1449), and the correlation coefficients between every two intelligences were all significant (p<0001), indicating that this questionnaire has high consistency and reliability; (b) There were 8 factors extracted and 69 items retained after the tests of 5 criteria and EFA; (c) For examination of contruct validity, the number of items had been reduced to 52 through CFA. The aforementioned finding demonstrates that the 8 multiple intelligences questionnaire is applicable in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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