


A Study of the Perceptions of Change on Satir Model Communication Program with University Student Couples




莊雅婷(Ya-Ting Juang);陳秉華(Ping-Hua Chen)


大學生情侶 ; 共識分析法 ; 改變的知覺 ; 薩堤爾模式 ; CQR ; Satir Model ; perceptions of change ; university students couples




37卷3期(2006 / 03 / 01)


297 - 317




本研究旨在探索五對異性戀大學生情侶參加「薩堤爾模式」溝通方案後,成員知覺個人的改變、及其知覺改變的影響來源。五對大學生情侶經由研究者招募,自願報名參加,以連續兩天密集十五小時的工作坊型式進行,於團體結束後一週內以訪談法蒐集成員改變的資料,並以Hill et al. (2005)共識分析研究法進行資料分析。研究結果發現:(一)多數成員知覺自己的改變為「舊有的規則鬆動且增加新的因應方式」、「對過去不當的因應模式有新的覺察」、增加「正向的自我概念」;少數成員知覺自己的改變為「覺察及表達自己的需要」、「對於感情經營有新的決定」、「覺察問題的癥結在自己身上」、「增加尊重和接納」、「以新觀點來看待對方」、「期待控制自己的情緒」等;其中出現「對於感情經營有新的決定」的知覺者均為男性;而出現「以新觀點來看待對方」之知覺者均為女性。(二)少數成員知覺對方的改變為「更主動表達感情」。(三)少數成員知覺兩人關係的改變為「衝突減少」、採取「直接溝通」、彼此間的「安全感增加」,而出現知覺「直接溝通」之改變者均為男性。(四)多數成員知覺「團體中的觀察學習」、「領導者的領導」、「團體活動演練」、「對方的改變牽動關係改變」是出自於自己改變;少數成員知覺「團體提供兩人討論的空間」、「成員的分享與支持回饋」、「團體中的普遍性」為自己改變的因素。(五)少數成員知覺「團體活動的演練」是出自於對方改變。(六)少數成員知覺影響兩人關係的改變來自於「自己的改變而帶動關係改變」。最後根據上述結果加以討論,提出對未來實際應用與進一步研究的建議。


This research examines the personal perceptions of change of University student couples who participated in a Satir Model communication program. This study involved five university student couples as subjects of study. A fifteen hour workshop of communication based on Satir Model was conducted. After the workshop the researcher interviewed the participants individually within a week to collect data about their perceptions of change as caused by the workshop. The Consensus Quality Research (CQR) method of Hill et al. (2005), a qualitative data analysis method, was adopted. Perceptions of change and sources of changes are categorized using the methods and procedures of CQR. The results are as follows: (1)The majority of participants perceived: the shaking of old rules and the increase of new coping approaches, the impropriety of past coping modes, and the enhancement of positive self concepts; (2) Some participants perceived that their mates became more active in expressing themselves; (3) Some participants perceived decreased conflicts in relationships, more direct communication between mates, and an increased sense of security; (4) The majority of participants perceived that their own changes lead to the changes in observational learning in groups, the leadership of the group leader, the group exercises, and the reciprocal changes from the mate; (5) Some participants noted that their mate's changes caused changes in group exercise experiences; (6) Some participants regarded the changes in mate relationships as stemming from their own changes. Finally, the researcher discusses the results and makes some suggestions with regards to the counseling practice and further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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