


The Effectiveness of Student-Centered Education in Second Graders' Reading Instruction




羅燕琴(Yin Kum Law)


閱讀教學 ; 生本教育 ; 閱讀評估 ; 高階思考 ; reading instruction ; student-centered education ; reading assessment ; higher-order thinking




38卷1期(2006 / 09 / 01)


51 - 66






This study investigated the effectiveness of student-centered (shengben) education in Hong Kong second graders' reading instruction. We compared Chinese test papers scores between second graders' shengben classes (n=425; 218 boys and 207 girls) and traditional non-shengben classes (n=250; 140 boys and 110 girls). The mean age for shengben classes was 7.3 years, and the mean age for non-shengben classes was 7.5 years. Basic and higher-order reading abilities were measured with two sets of reading comprehension tests. Results indicated that student-centered shengben reading instruction is effective in enhancing both basic and higher-order reading abilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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