


The Influence of Teachers on College Students' Learning Styles and Occupational Stereotypes in Technical Courses: The Role of Modeling Priority




楊昭景(Chao-Chin Yang);邱文彬(Wen-Bin Chiou)


大學生 ; 示範有利性 ; 社會學習論 ; 學習型態 ; 職業刻板印象 ; college students ; modeling priority ; social learning theory ; learning styles ; vocational stereotypes




38卷2期(2006 / 12 / 01)


131 - 150






The article aimed to investigate the differences in modeling priority between technical teachers and lecturing teachers, and whether the role models affect college students' learning styles and vocational stereotypes in the collaborative teaching of technical courses. One hundred and seventy-four freshmen were recruited as participants in this longitudinal study. Results indicated that the modeling priority of technical teachers was higher than that of lecturing teachers, which means that technical teachers were more likely to be identified as role models by students in collaborative teaching. As to learning styles, the college students significantly preferred the experience-driven mode to the theory-driven mode regardless of whether their role models were technical or lecturing teachers. Cross-legged panel analysis showed that the students perceiving higher modeling priority of technical teachers subsequently exhibited greater preferences for the experience-driven mode. Meanwhile, the students who initially preferred the experience-driven mode also perceived higher modeling priority of technical teachers subsequently. Similar relationships were found between modeling priority of lecturing teachers and students' preferences for the theory-driven mode. For the students who identified technical teachers as role models, their vocational stereotypes were more consistent with technical teachers than with lecturing teachers. In contrast, for students who identified lecturing teachers as role models, their vocational stereotypes were more consistent with lecturing teachers than with vocational teachers. The relationships among teachers' modeling priority, learning styles, and vocational stereotypes were stable over a one-semester period. Research findings were discussed and conclusions and implications were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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