


Model of Contact-Interruption, Unfinished Business, and Psychological Well-Being




陳金定(Chin-Ting Chen)


心理幸福感 ; 未完成事件 ; 完形治療 ; 界限干擾 ; 接觸干擾 ; boundary disturbance ; contact-interruption ; Gestalt therapy




39卷1期(2007 / 09 / 01)


45 - 68






The purpose of this study was to evaluate Gestalt therapy theory by exploring the causal model of contact-interruption, unfinished business, and psychological well-being using the structural equation modeling analysis. Participants were 434 seventh- and eighth-grade students, with 239 males and 195 females. The overall goodness of fit indices and most of the internal and external goodness of fit indices indicated an appropriate fit with the revised theoretical model. Finally, recommendations for further research were suggested, including clarifying the types of contact-interruption, dealing with the conflicting nature of autonomy and positive interpersonal relationship, and comparing causal models for males and females.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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