


The Effects of Parent Education Groups on Parent-Child Relationship and Child Behavior Problems




林家興(Josh Chia-Hsin Lin)


行為問題 ; 班級教學 ; 團體輔導 ; 親職教育 ; 讀書會 ; behavior problems ; classroom teaching ; group counseling ; parent education ; study group




39卷1期(2007 / 09 / 01)


91 - 109






This study aimed to compare three group methods of parent education and their effects on participants' parent-child relationship and child behavior problems. Three group methods that are commonly known to the Chinese parents (i.e., group counseling, study group, and classroom teaching) were compared in terms of their effects on parents and their children. A posttest-only control group design was used to conduct the experiment. One hundred and eighty-six voluntary parents of elementary school children in Taipei City were randomly assigned to either experimental or control groups. Measures of parent-child relationship and child behavior problems were collected immediately after the experiment and three months post-experiment. Results of the study were that: (1) there were no significant difference among group counseling, study group, classroom teaching, and waiting-list control groups on the immediate experimental effects of parent education; (2) group counseling and study groups were found to have significant experimental effects on parent-child relationship and child behavior problems three months post-experiment; and (3) classroom teaching was found to have significant experimental effects on child behavior problems three months post-experiment. Practical and research implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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