


The Effects and Related Issues of Solution-Focused Real-Time Webcounseling on Female College Students




許維素(Wei-Su Hsu);鄭惠君(Hui-Chun Cheng);陳宇芬(Yu-Fen Chen)


焦點解決短期諮商 ; 焦點解決網路即時諮商 ; 網路即時諮商 ; 網路諮商 ; real-time webcounseling ; Solution-focused brief counseling ; Solution-focused real-time webcounseling ; webcounseling,




39卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


217 - 239






This study aimed to (a) examine clients' perceived the effects of solution-focused real-time webcounseling, (b) examine the suitability for adopting solution focused brief counseling on real-time webcounseling, and (c) discover the key factors influencing the effects of solution focused real-time webcounseling. Eight female clients and three counselors participated in the study and were randomly matched. Each client received the solution-focused real-time webcounseling once a week for two to six weeks, and each webcounseling time was about 50 minutes long. All the clients and counselors were interviewed after counseling and each interview was transcribed, while the observation record of researchers and each webcounseling process record were used as the assistant information. Data were analyzed by qualitative research methods. The major findings and discussions of this study included: (a) all the clients felt satisfied and felt that solution-focused realtime webcounseling was helpful, (b) the suitability for adopting the solution focused brief counseling on webcounseling was supported, and (3) the key factors influencing the effects of solution focused real-time webcounselings included the techniques used by the counselors, characteristics of the clients, and the technical system issues of webcounseling. Finally, based on the results of this study, some important suggestions for webcounseling and future studies were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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