


Effect of the CISC Instructional Strategy on the Particle Concepts Learning Achievement of Junior High Students




林小慧(Hsiao-Hui Lin)


具體影像空間教學策略 ; 迷思概念 ; 微粒概念 ; Concrete Image Spatial Concepts CISC instructional strategy ; misconception ; particle concepts




39卷4期(2008 / 06 / 01)


533 - 554






The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the Concrete Image Spatial Concepts (CISC) instructional strategy on the particle concepts learning achievement of junior high students. The sample consisted of 85 junior high, eighth-grade students in the Taipei area. The experimental group received a 3-week CISC treatment, whereas the control group received a 3-week non-CISC teaching. The Particle Concepts Comprehension Test was used in pre- and post-test. The results showed significant difference in particle concepts comprehension between the two groups, and the particle concepts learning achievement of experiment was better than the control group. However, no significant difference was found between male and female students in the experimental group. From the qualitative data collected from field observations, it was observed that CISC not only elevated the learners' operational abilities with mental images, but also catalyzed the interactions between 2D/3D representations. It appears that CISC strategy was effective in lowering students' cognitive load and the complexity of abstract concepts. CISC also demonstrated its effectiveness in elevating students' comprehension through ease in mental images construction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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