


The Mate Selection of Married Hearing-Impaired




王秋霜(Chiu-Shuang Wang);許維素(Wei-Su Hsu)


擇偶經驗 ; 聽障者 ; mate selection ; the hearing-impaired




40卷1期(2008 / 09 / 01)


127 - 151






This study investigated premarital mate selection experience among the married hearing-impaired. Five married adults (2 males & 3 females between 28 to 38 years of age) with medium to severe hearing impairment participated in a semi-structured interview. Open coding method was applied to analyze collected data. Individual experiences in mate selection of the five married hearing-impaired were presented. Factors affecting their mate selection include the following:(1). Hearing impairment and related issues were salient topics in mate selection: (a) Hearing impairment was a ground for rejection; (b) setback in relationships led to low self-esteem and realistic expectation for marriage; (c) communication styles of the hearing impaired was considered a prerequisite for mate selection; and (d) satifsfying psychological needs of hearing impairment facilitated development and stability of intimate relationship. (2). Family and social relations had both direct and indirect influences on mate selection: (a) Family cutivation and respection to family menbers' opinions were considered critical factors; (b) experiences of hearing-impaired friends had impact on mate selection perspectives; (c) mate selection opportunities were determined by physical space and social comection; and (d) mate selection styles reflected traditional gender differences. (3) Diverse and realistic coping strategies were needed to overcome mate selection difficulties toward successful marriage: (a) Adjust cognitions, accept reality and be accommodating of others' perspectives; (b) divert attention and focus to avoid being painful; (c) confront prejudice, stay flexible and assertive; and (d) proactively seek communications and acceptance, and minimize conflicts. These factors had cyclical and interactive relationships with one another. Some of these factors were not different from that of non-hearing-impaired people, while others were unique to the hearing impaired, especially inevitable challenges from being a minority in mate selection situations. Recommendations for the hearing impaired singles and future research were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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