The primary purpose of this study was to investigate young children's emotional regulation strategy, temperament, caregivers' reaction and other background factors, such as children's gender, caregivers' types, age, and educational background. The study conducted the Young Children's Emotional Regulation Strategy Scale and the Coping with Children's Negative Emotion Questionnaire were administered to 296 caregivers with preschool children aged 5-6 in the Taipei area. At the same time, Children's preschool teachers also completed the Young Children's Temperament Scale. The main findings were as follows: (1) In terms of young children's emotional regulation strategy, the frequent strategies used are as follows: ”caregiver searching,” ”language expression,” ”cognitive guidance,” ”aggression,” and ”venting and pacifying.” Children's temperament type seemed to influence their use of emotional regulation strategy. (2) As a whole, caregivers use more Expressive Encouragement (EE), Problem-Focused Reactions (PFR), and Emotion-Focused Reactions (EFR); less Distress Reactions (DR), Punitive Reactions (PR), and Minimization Reactions (MR) while coping with children's negative emotions. Caregivers with diverse education backgrounds also display their reactions differently. (3) When caregivers use more EE, PFR, and EFR, as well as less DR, PR and MR, their children were more likely to display cognitive strategies. On the contrary, when caregivers use less EE, PFR, and EFR, as well as more DR, PR and MR, their children are more likely to display behavior strategies.
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