


A Study of User's Acceptance on Three-dimensional Virtual Reality Applied in Medical Education




賴崇閔(Chung-Min Lai);黃秀美(Hsiu-Mei Huang);廖述盛(Shu-Sheng Liaw);黃雯雯(Wen-Wen Huang)


互動式學習 ; 科技接受摸式 ; 虛擬實境 ; interactive learning ; technology acceptance model TAM ; virtual reality VR




40卷3期(2009 / 03 / 01)


341 - 361




3D技術應用於教學是一種趨勢,因爲3D化的教材可以有效的傳達課程的內容,然而3D教材的極致表現即爲虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)。因此,本研究主要在建立一個「虛擬人體結構輔助教學系統」,該系統以網頁的方式呈現,並用於輔助人體結構學的教學。本系統提供學習者一個互動的學習環境,主要用於提升醫學相關科系的大學生對人體結構中的神經系統、呼吸系統、血液環循系統、消化系統、泌尿系統及骨骼系統的認知,期望學生能了解人體結構間的空間位置,並提高學習者的學習興趣。本研究旨在探討醫學相關科系的學生對3D虛擬實境應用於教學上的接受度評估,並依據情境學習理論、虛擬實境和科技接受模式建立研究架構,其研究變數包括:學生對系統的認知易用性、學生對系統的認知有用性與學生對系統的使用意願。評估的方法採用問卷調查的方式,本研究採用投影式虛擬實境進行教學,以及學生利用桌上型虛擬實境進行自主性學習後,利用該問卷進行評估。本研究結果顯示:1.學生的認知易用性可以預測學生的認知有用性。2.學生的認知易用性與認知有用性可預測學生的使用意願,其中認知有用性可解釋使用意願49%的變異量。


Using three-dimensional (3D) contents for learning virtual reality (VR) is the use of 3D graphic systems in combination with various devices to provide the effect of immersion in the interactive virtual environment. In this study, the authors built a Virtual Body Structures Auxiliary Teaching System (VBS-ATS) based on situated learning and virtual reality theory. This system is a Web-based three-dimensional interactive learning environment that can be used for assisting students to learn human structure. In addition, this system consists of six learning units including Nervous System, Respiratory System, Vascular System, Digestive System, Urinary System, and Skeletal System of a human body. The main purpose of this study attempts to evaluate learners' perceptions on 3D virtual reality applied in medical education. The instructor uses project virtual reality to present 3D course contents in the classroom. To improve interactivity, learners can use the Web-based 3D learning system through desktop virtual reality to assist their learning when they need. Three research variables: perceived usefulness, perceived easy to use and intention to use, are investigated in this study. Finally, a questionnaire, based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), was developed for evaluating this 3D VR learning environment. Results indicated that perceived easy to use can predict perceived usefulness. Moreover, perceived easy to use and perceived usefulness can predict students' intention to use the 3D virtual reality system. In addition, perceived usefulness accounts for 49% of variance in intention to use the system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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