


The Verification of Transference: Testing the Causal Model of Parent-Child Attachment and Coach-Athlete Relationship in Sport




陳金定(Chin-Ting Chen)


內在運作模式 ; 依附關係 ; 移情現象 ; 教練-選手關係 ; attachment ; coach-athlete relationship ; internal working model ; ransference




40卷3期(2009 / 03 / 01)


363 - 383




本研究目的在探討以內在運作模式爲中介變項之運動選手親子依附與教練-選手關係之因果模式,以驗證移情現象。受試者爲高一至高三體育班學生共437人(男316人,女121人)。研究工具包括親子依附量表、內在運作模式量表、教練-選手關係量表,並採用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)統計方法分析資料。研究結果顯示:內在運作模式爲運動選手親子依附與教練-選手關係兩潛在變項之獨一、支配性之中介變項;移情現象存在於運動選手與教練關係中。最後,研究者提出對未來研究之建議及研究結果在諮商輔導與處理教練-選手關係上之運用。


The purpose of this study was to verify transference by testing the causal model of parent-child attachment and coach-athlete relationship in sport with the internal working model as the mediator. Data were analyzed by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Participants were 437 seventh-to ninth-grade athletes, with 316 males and 121 females. Results indicated that the internal working model was the single and dominant mediator of the casual model. Parent-child attachment affected the coach-athlete relationship by means of internal working model and the transference existed between coaches and athletes. Finally, recommendations for future research and applications of the results for counseling and coach-athlete relationship were suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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