


Perception of Father's Affection and Yearning-for-Father Need of College Students in Taiwan




趙梅如(Mei-Ru Chao)


知覺父親親情 ; 孺慕父親親情欲求 ; perception of father's affection ; yearning-for-father need




40卷4期(2009 / 06 / 01)


577 - 595






Among Chinese patrilineal families, demanding fathers and kind mothers are common stereotypes. Although there is little research on father's affection, some evidence shows affection and interaction differences between fathers and mothers regarding their relationship with the child. Based up these findings, the purpose of this study was to explore the perception of father's affection and yearning-for-father need of college students in Taiwan. Results of this study showed that: (1) for both sons and daughters, most students high disciplinary. However, daughters perceived more warmth from their fathers than did sons; (2) regarding needs of yearning-for-father daughters, desired more high warmth whereas sons desired more low warmth; and (3) on the perception of father's affection and yearning-for-father need, daughters who perceived father's high-warmth affection desired more high-warmth affection of fondness and did not desire more low-warmth affection of indifference, than sons who perceived father's high-warmth affection.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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