


The Development and Function of Process-Oriented Diagnostic Assessment Battery for First Graders' Learning on Word Problem Solving




許家驊(Chia-Hua Hsu)


後設認知 ; 測驗信效度 ; 解題評量 ; 解題歷程 ; 解題學習診斷處方 ; diagnosis and prescription in mathematical problem solving MPS ; metacognition ; reliability and validity of test ; the process of MPS ; the assessment of MPS




40卷4期(2009 / 06 / 01)


683 - 706






The purpose of this study was to develop the Process-Oriented Diagnostic Assessment Battery (PODAB) for single-step word problem of addition and subtraction through componential and content analyses. Participants were composed of 477 first graders from Chiayi by convenient and cluster sampling. Participants were administered the PODAB. Item analysis suggested good passing percentage, internal correlation and critical ratio, regardless whether in single items, sub-battery or the whole battery. As for construct validity, three factors were suggested by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (basic solving, quantity identification, and checking skills), and there were appropriate dimentionality, variance proportions of factor extraction, model fit, as well as criterion-related and predictive validity. For reliability, results showed appropriate internal consistency coefficient and composite reliability. Finally, because of individualized information, the battery could provide diagnostic profile and subsequent prescriptions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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