


Come Out in a Cocoon an OCD Male Awakened in Psychotherapy




謝筱梅(Hsiao-Mei Hsieh)


防衛 ; 理想化 ; 觀察自我 ; defense ; idealization ; observing ego




41卷S期(2009 / 10 / 01)


223 - 247






This research was conducted to understand one OCD male who was repeating themes constantly in his life story and to interpret his themes by free association narration in 25 counseling sessions. Narrative and Holistic-Content analytic methods were used for this study article. The first session's process note and the other 24 sessions' transcripts which were used to constructed his meta-story through repeated reading and analyzing. According to observing ego, the researcher understand and presented the participant's changes which induced such four themes: as idealizing, loneliness, sex desire, and interpersonal world that lacks the intimate friends. In addition, the researcher sum med up the participant's core defense mechanism and it's applying model, as well as represent and interpret the client’s awakening process in psychotherapy. The author discusses further etiology and development of idealization, essential factors of awakened and the relationship between transference and defens.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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