


A Study of Helpfulness for Clients of Community Counseling Centers




郭瓈灧(Li-Yen Kuo);李素芬(Su-Fen Lee)


社區心理輔導 ; 輔導助益性 ; 輔導助益性因素 ; community counseling ; counseling helpfulness ; counseling helpful factors




41卷S期(2009 / 10 / 01)


249 - 269






The purpose of this study was to evaluate the counseling helpfulness for the clients of community counseling centers, and to explore the counseling helpful factors about the counselors and clients that affect on clients' changes. Adopting a concurrent triangulation mixed-methods research design, this study used ”Counseling Response Scale” and ”Counseling Helpful Factors Interview Guideline” to collect data. The major research findings included: (1). significant difference did not exist in the counseling helpfulness among clients with different background variables, (2). there were 8 categories of counseling helpfulness on clients' changes, and (3). there were 3 categories and 17 items of counseling helpful factors about the counselors, and 2 categories and 10 items of counseling helpful factors about the clients. At the end of this paper, results were discussed, suggestions of the study, and recommendations for about future research and practice are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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