


Influences of Hakka Immersion Programs on Promoting Children's Hakka Language Listening and Speaking Abilities




陳雅鈴(Ya-Ling Chen);陳仁富(Ren-Fu Chen);蔡典龍(Tien-Lung Tsai)


幼兒教育 ; 母語教學 ; 客語教學 ; 客語沈浸教學計劃 ; early childhood education ; heritage language teaching ; Hakka language teaching ; Hakka language immersion program




41卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


345 - 359






To prevent Hakka language from extinction, administration of Hakka Affair in Pingtung County organized a Hakka language kindergarten immersion project to strengthened young children’s Hakka language abilities. This experimental project was conducted in three private early childhood settings in Pingtung County. The main research questions were: what were Hakka backgrounds of immersion children? What were the frequencies of Hakka language used at home? How did Hakka language immersion programs influence children's Hakka language listening and speaking abilities? Participants were five classes of children from three different kindergartens. Three Hakka immersion classes participated in this study. Family background questionnaire was used to collect children's Hakka backgrounds and Hakka language usages at home. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised Peabody (Hakka version) and teachers' self-designed interviewing protocols were used to collect children's Hakka language listening and speaking performances. Collected data were then analyzed by statistics methods, including descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Research results showed that above 80% of Hakka immersion children were Hakka people, but less than 30% of family members used Hakka language to interact with children. Also, finding showed that, at the same pre-test score levels, Hakka immersion children's Hakka language ability scores were significantly higher than those of comparison groups. In teachers' and parents' evaluations of children's Hakka language performance, children's performance was rated approximately as good. In the final part, researchers provided some related suggestions on Hakka immersion program implementation and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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