


What is the Most Influential Motivation Components on Learning Behavior? The Exploration of the Dual-Core Motivation Model




劉政宏(Cheng-Hong Liu)


執行意志成分 ; 情感成分 ; 預期成分 ; 價值成分 ; 學習行為 ; 雙核心動機模式 ; affect component ; dual-core motivation model DCM ; executive volition component ; expectation component ; learning behavior ; learning motivation ; value component




41卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


361 - 383




本研究目的主要在提出雙核心動機模式(dual-core motivation model,簡稱DCM)。依據動機與認知心理學相關研究,DCM認爲學習動機包含價值、預期、情感與執行意志四個不同成分,其中以情感與執行意志兩個核心成分對學習行爲最有直接影響力,而價值與預期等學習動機成分,則主要是經由雙核心成分的中介,間接對學習行爲產生影響。研究對象爲480位國小六年級學生,使用的工具包含「國小學習動機量表」與「國小學習行爲量表」,資料則透過LISREL程式進行結構方程模式分析,以檢驗DCM關概念。結果發現,價值、預期、情感與執行意志屬於不同的動機成分,且DCM具有理想的整體適配觀察資料的支持。本研究根據研究結果在理論與實務上的涵義進行討論,並提出結果應用及未來研究的建議。


This study aimed to test the ”Dual-Core Motivation Model” (DCM). Depending on the results of motivation and cognitive psychology researches, the DCM suggests that learning motivation contains four different components of value, expectation, affect, and executive volition. Among these four components, affect and executive volition are core components which would influence learning behavior directly. However, the effects of the two other components of value and expectation are mediated by the two core components, and thus influence learning behavior indirectly. Participants of this study were 480 sixth-grade students in Taiwan. Research instruments included were the ”Primary School Learning Motivation Scale” and ”Primary School Learning Behavior Scale”. Data collected were analyzed by structural equation modeling using the LISREL computer program. Results showed that learning motivation consisted of four different components of value, expectation, affect, and executive volition, and the DCM fitted the observed data well. Finally, based on the research findings, possible Implications for educators and suggestions for future research are discussed by the researcher.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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