


The Effect of Decoding Ability on Character Complexity Effect and Word Length




陳茹玲(Ju-Ling Chen);蘇宜芬(Yi-Fen Su)


中文字詞 ; 字元複雜度效果 ; 認字能力 ; 詞長效果 ; 詞彙辨識作業 ; character complexity effect ; Chinese script ; decoding ability ; lexical recognition task ; word length effect




41卷3期(2010 / 03 / 01)


579 - 604






The present study was designed to investigate effects of complexity and word length of Chinese characters on the decoding ability of elementary students when reading Chinese script. Character complexity was defined by (a) the number of constituent strokes for characters (studied in Experiment 1), and (b) the number of constituent radicals for characters (studied in Experiment 2). The length of word was defined as the number of constituent characters of words (studied in Experiment 3). Student performance on a lexical recognition task was used as the dependent variable in the three experiments. A total of 124 third grade students, including 45 with low decoding abilities, 42 with average decoding abilities, and 37 with high decoding abilities, participated in the study. It was found that when characters with high frequency were used as stimuli, character complexity defined as the number of constituent strokes of characters, showed a significant interaction effect between complexity and decoding ability. No complexity effect was found when complexity was defined as the number of constituent radicals of characters. Word length, defined as the number of constituent characters of words, showed effects on participants' performance on the lexical recognition task.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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