


The Interaction Effects between Action Control Orientation and Success/Failure Conditions on Cognition, Motivation, and Emotion




張憲卿(Hsien-Ching Chang);程炳林(Biing-Lin Cherng)


行動導向 ; 自我效能 ; 負向情感 ; 情緒狀態導向 ; 認知狀態導向 ; action orientation ; cognitive state orientation ; emotional state orientation ; negative affective reaction ; self-efficacy




41卷3期(2010 / 03 / 01)


605 - 633






Kuhl's theory of action control, differentiates action orientation from state orientation, and recent empirical research show people who are state-oriented manifested maladaptive behaviors. In the current study, 113 college students were classified into three groups based on their action control dispositions: action orientation, cognitive state orientation, and emotional state orientation. The participants then were explored to either success or failure context to investigate the interaction effect between action control disposition and context. Negative affective reaction, self-efficacy and working memory capacity were measured prior to and after the exploration. A 3 (action control orientation)×2 (conditions)×2 (measurement occasion) mixed design was used. The following results were obtained: (a) in the failure condition, the emotional state-oriented scored higher in the posttest than in the pretest in negative affective reaction; (b) regardless of orientation, participants in the failure condition scored lower in the posttest than in the pretest in self-efficacy; and (c) regardless of orientation and condition, participants scored higher in the posttest than in the pretest in working memory capacity. Findings were discussed in terms of theoretical implications, practical applications, and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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