


The Effects of a Reality Therapy Group Guidance Program for Underachieving Elementary Students in Regard to their Mandarin Learning Attitudes and Achievements




劉秀菊(Hsiu-Chu Liu);丁原郁(Yuan-Yu Ting);鄭如安(Ju-An Cheng)


現實治療團體輔導方案 ; 國語科 ; 學習態度 ; 學業低成就 ; learning attitude ; Mandarin Course ; reality therapy group guidance program ; underachievement




42卷1期(2010 / 09 / 01)


53 - 76






The Effects of a Reality Therapy Group Guidance Program for Underachieving Elementary Students in Regard to their Mandarin Learning Attitudes and Achievements The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of a reality group therapy guidance program on learning attitude and achievement of fifth- and sixth-graders who were underachievers in Mandarin. Quasi-experimental design was applied in this study which consisted of an experimental group and a control group. Participants of the study completed The Learning Attitude Inventory (LAI) and provided their grades of Mandarin three times as the pretest, posttest, and six-week follow-up test after completion of the fifteen-week therapy program. One-way ANCOVA or Johnson-Neyman analysis indicate that: (a) the reality therapy group guidance program has an immediate and continuous positive effect on the learning motivation of participants, (b) the reality therapy group guidance program immediately improves learning attitude, motivation, and strategies of participants with average or below-average achievement in Mandarin, (c) the reality therapy group guidance program continuously enhances learning attitude, motivation, and strategies of the participants in the follow-up test, and (d) the reality therapy group guidance program an immediate, but not continousl, positive effect on the participants' grades in Mandarin.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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