


Developing Narrative Structure in Preschoolers' Retellings of a Story Book: Episodic Analysis




陳欣希(Hsin-Hsi Chen);張鑑如(Chien-Ju Chang);陳秀芬(Hsiu-Fen Chen)


中文 ; 故事文法 ; 敘事結構 ; 情節分析 ; 學齡前幼兒 ; Chinese ; episodic analysis ; narrative structure ; preschoolers ; story grammar




42卷3期(2011 / 03 / 01)


359 - 378




本文依據Stein和Glenn (1979)的故事文法架構,分析三、四、五歲共208名幼兒重述圖畫書時之故事結構元素及類型,並檢視其與年齡的關係。研究者採用CHILDES系統進行語料轉譯、編碼和計分,並作單因子變異數分析。研究發現除了「背景」元素未顯現年齡差異外,「內在計畫」、「結果」和「回應」的使用於五歲組和三歲組之間有顯著差異,而「引發事件」、「內在反應」和「嘗試」元素的表現均爲五歲組優於四歲組和三歲組。故事結構類型則隨年齡成長而趨向有目標的情節式故事結構,且包含比較多的因果關係。然而異於過去之研究,國內幼兒之「縮簡式情節」的比例未隨著年齡增長而減少。本研究結果將可瞭解幼兒故事結構的發展,並提出建議以作爲幼兒教育及未來研究的參考。


Based on the story grammar framework proposed by Stein and Glenn (1979), this study aimed to analyze story elements and macrostructure in preschoolers' retellings of a story book, and explore the effect of age differences on such narrative structure. Two hundred and eight narratives produced by children of three age groups, age 3 (N=59), age 4 (N=75), and age 5 (N=74), were transcribed, coded and scored using the CHILDES system. One-way ANOVA was adopted to analyze the effect of age on narrative performance. The study findings show that, except for story background information, there are significant differences in internal plans, consequences, and reactions between five-years-olds and three-year-olds. It was also found that, the performance scores in frequencies of initiating events, internal responses, and attempts of five-year-olds are significantly higher than those of the four-year-olds as well as the three-year-olds. In terms of macrostructure, older age groups tend to present stories in purposive and pisodic structure and include more causal relationships in their stories. However, the percentages of abbreviated episodes does not decrease with the increase of age in this study, which is inconsistent with the prior research findings. The result may shed light on the development of preschoolers' narrative structure and provide suggestions for preschool education, and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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