


Age and Gender Differences in Playfulness and Innovation Behavior among Professional Workers




余嬪(Yu Ping);吳靜吉(Jing-Jyi Wu);陳以亨(I-Heng Chen);區衿綾(Jing-Ling Ou)


工作創新 ; 年齡 ; 性別 ; 玩興 ; 創造力 ; age ; creativity ; gender ; playfulness ; work innovation




42卷3期(2011 / 03 / 01)


423 - 444






In recent years, there has been increasing interest in adult playfulness and innovation behavior in research and profession. Research has found significantly positive relationships between playfulness and innovation behaviors in professional workers. However, little attention has been paid to age difference, gender differences, and the interactive effect of these twos. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interactive effects of age and gender on playfulness and innovation behavior in professional workers. A total of 1477 participants (672 males and 810 females) from education, arts and communication, high-tech industry, and traditional industry were involved the survey. Adult Playfulness Inventory (API) and Innovation Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) were used to collect data. The major findings are as follows: 1) There is an interactive effect between gender and age on playfulness. No significant differences was found in API among different age age groups of males or females Males in younger age groups (age<40) show significantly higher playfulness than females in equivalent age groups However, no significant difference was found between males and females in older age groups (age>40). 2) There is an interactive effect between gender and age on work innovation behavior. No significant differences was found in IBQ among different male age groups. Interestingly, females of age 50-59 show significantly higher innovation behavior than females of age 20-29. In addition, males under age 50 show significantly higher innovation behavior than females in equivalent age groups, but no gender difference was found in age group 50-59. 3) In general, innovation behaviors do not decrease in professionals with the increase of age. Female professionals even show higher playfulness spirits and innovation behavior after age 40 or 50. It is suggested that stereotypes of senior professionals be avoided and that supportive environment and management be provided to reinforce employee's playfulness and innovation behavior according to their gender and age differences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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