The main purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between science education and development of global coherence in thinking. To devise successful science education, it is necessary to consider both scientific knowledge and scientific thinking. The crucial point of scientific thinking is to achieve global coherence in thinking instead of local coherence which involves conflicts in thinking. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of science education on diluting superstitious thinking in terms of local coherence in thinking. Three experiments were designed to investigate the coherence in thinking of elementary school, middle/high school, and college students in the fields of physiognomy, supernaturalism, and geomancy, respectively. In each experiment, two stories depicting the same unusual events with conflicting paranormal explanations were presented. The participants were asked to rate their acceptance of each explanation in a five point scale. Similar results were found in the three experiments: (1) Participants' acceptance of paranormal explanations decreases with age; (2) However, the correlation between participants' two responses to the two conflicting explanations suggests local coherence in participants' thinking. And such local coherence in thinking increases with age. In other words, science education with focus on science knowledge has not successfully taught student global coherence in thinking, which is the most important part of science reasoning.
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