


Effects of Long-term Interventions with Assistive Technology on Life and Development of Individuals with Severe and Profound Physical Disabilities




林淑玟(Shu-Wen Lin);羅錦興(Ching-Hsing Luo)


長期介入成果 ; 肢體障礙者 ; 跨專業團隊 ; 輔助科技延伸服務 ; 輔助科技設備與服務 ; Assistive Technology Devices and Services ATDS ; Assistive Technology Extended Services ATES ; long-term interventions and outcomes ; persons with physical disabilities ; transdisciplinary team




43卷1期(2011 / 09 / 01)


97 - 126




本研究透過跨專業輔助科技團隊,爲四位重度與極重度肢體障礙者(頸椎損傷、腦性麻痺各兩位),提供長達七年個別化電腦科技輔具研製、輔助科技設備與服務(ATDS)及輔助科技延伸服務(ATES,含生涯發展/轉銜服務、職業重建、心理復健等)。本文採多重個案研究法(multiple-case study),探討前述AT介入之短期成果與長期影響。經提供一至三年ATDS 後,四位個案皆出現良好短期成果,包括:輔助科技設備(ATD)符合需求、訓練目標完全達成、持續且高頻率使用ATD。再經提供數年ATES後,出現之長期正面影響包括:ATD應用範圍擴增、活動能力增強、參與表現提高、正向心理感受與滿意度提昇。同時,四位個案生活品質皆大幅改善。此外,也發現若干心理社會因素(如家人態度與支持、人格特質、動機、致殘時期、接納傷殘、自我防衛機制等),會影響AT 介入成果。


The study examined the effects of a seven-year project, in which assistive technology (AT) developed by an interdisciplinary assistive technology team was used to assist individuals with severe and profound physical disabilities, on the life and development of the individuals. Four cases, including two persons with cervical spinal injuries and two persons with cerebral palsy were participants of the study. Customized high-tech devices, AT devices and services (ATDS), and AT extended services (ATES) designed for career development/transition services, vocational rehabilitation, or psychological rehabilitation were used as AT intervention to improve the individuals' abilities to actively participate in life events and their quality of life. The results indicated that positive shorter-term outcomes resulted from the AT interventions for the four cases, including ATD possessing features to meet users' needs, the completion of training goals ATD was designed to provide, and the persistence and frequency of usage of ATD by participants.. The study also showed positive long-term outcomes of the AT intervention, including extension of using ATD improved mobility and activity, increased participation performance, enhanced self-perception and satisfaction experienced by participants, and improved quality of life. Some psychosocial and social factors, such as family’s attitude and support, personal characteristics, motivation, time of onset, acceptance of impairment, and mechanisms of self-protection, could confound with the influence the AT intervention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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