


A Study on the Experi Ences of Mother-Infant Bonding




謝珮玲(Pey-Ling Shieh);應宗和(Tsung-Ho Ying);曾英珍(Ying-Chen Tseng);薛媛云(Yuan-Yun Hsueh);張孝純(Hsiao-Chun Chang);許芳綺(Fang-Chi Hsu);林信佑(Shin-Yo Lin)


母嬰連結 ; 母嬰關係 ; 母職 ; 依附 ; 產後焦慮 ; attachment ; motherhood ; mother-infant bonding ; mother-infant relationships ; postpartum anxiety




43卷3期(2012 / 03 / 01)


681 - 700






The phenomenon of ”mother-infant bonding” is defined as ”the mothers' emotion and cognition toward their babies, as well as their commitment for babies' wellbeing”. The exploration of ”mother-infant bonding” is limited in Taiwan. The study aims on initial understanding of its nature. Based on the qualitative paradigm and discovery-oriented approach, the authors collect data by a scheme of semi-structured supportive interview. Content analysis was applied in the data analysis. Seventy-seven women who stay at one obstetric unit for childbirth or tocolysis participated in our study, in which in which the majority of participant consisted of women who gave birth to children (N = 68). Four domains of mother-infant bonding, including ”commitment”, ”representation of the child and motherhood”, ”cherish and the awareness of individuality” and ”burden, and explore with anxiety” were revealed. Not only the similar nature of mother-infant bonding was found in Taiwan mothers, we also delineate their psychological and physical status in thinking of or caring of their babies. Both of sweetness and bitterness were found in mothers' experiences. We suggest further explorations of the development, relevant factors and influences for mother-infant bonding are needed. A valid mother-infant bonding scale would be helpful in the assessment. The practitioners should pay more attention and caring in mothers' physical and psychological distress.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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