


Supervisee's Perception of Critical Incidents and Supervisor's Interventions during the Gestalt Approach Supervision




張玉鈴(Yu-Ling Chang);蔡秀玲(Shiou-Ling Tsai)


完形取向督導 ; 現象場 ; 接觸 ; 督導介入 ; 督導重要事件 ; critical incidents ; contact ; gestalt approach supervision ; phenomenological field ; supervisory interventions




43卷3期(2012 / 03 / 01)


591 - 611






The purpose of this study was to investigate the supervisee's percept ion of critical incidents and the supervisor's interventions during the gestalt approach supervision process. One supervisor-supervisee dyad participated in the study. There were thirteen intensive supervision sessions. After each supervisory session, supervisee finished Critical Incident Questionnaire and supervisor recorded the reflection of supervisory session to understand their personal experiences. The critical incidents technique and content analysis were used. Results showed that critical incidents from supervisee's perception included seven categories: competence and empowerment, entering the phenomenological world and conceptualization of client's problem, awareness and victory over the contact interruption, gestalt psychotherapy techniques, professional development, supervisory relationship, and basic counseling techniques. Five dimensions of supervisory intervention were also found: assisting the contact of supervisor and supervisee, assisting the contact of supervisee within himself assisting the contact of supervisee and client, assisting the contact of client within himself and relative gestalt psychotherapy techniques learning, and basic counseling techniques learning. Implications for future research and practice were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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