


A Study of the Relationships between Mental Health and Biofeedback for NTNU Students




陳李綢(Lee-Chou Chen)


心理健康 ; 生理回饋 ; 精健量表 ; 樂活量表 ; 壓力知覺量表 ; biofeedback ; LOHAS for youth ; mental health ; mental health scalc ; the perceived stress scale




44卷1期(2012 / 09 / 01)


159 - 183






The purpose of this study was to explore biofeedback responses and mental health of university students under different pressure situations, and the relationships among mental health, biofeedback responses, and pressures. 1410 NTNU freshmen completed a mental health assessment measure; 60 students who scored lower than 80 points on the mental health measure were selected and randomly assigned into two groups for biofeedback response experiment. Results indicate that: 1. The mental health scale (five scale scores and total score) for university student is a stable and valid measure for analyzing student's self-accept, interpersonal relationship, family harmony, emotional balance, and optimism; 2. There is a significant difference in biofeedback responses between experimental and control groups under different pressure situations, but there is no difference in mental health scores between experimental and control groups. 3. There is a significant correlation between students' EMG and test pressure, and students' EMG's prediction of test pressure reached 18%. There is a significant correlation between well-being and general pressure, with well-being's prediction of general pressure exceeded 39%.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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