The aim of This study is aimed to the discussion of uncover how environmental awareness, values, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, attitude, and prosocial behavior affect the intention of pro-environmental behaviors. The proposed extension variables were based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and related literature. This study implemented a survey with An edited version of the ”Questionnaire on the Pro-environmental Behavioral Intention of Post-secondary School Students” was conducted and obtained a sample of 800 valid samples participants. The obtained data were analyzed with using descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, Pearson correlation, and path analysis. Regarding direct effects, the higher the perceived behavioral control is of an individual, the stronger his or her intention is in pro-environmental behaviors. In terms of indirect effects, the higher the subjective norm, prosocial behavior, and perceived behavioral control are the more positive an attitude an individual's attitude will have is, and the stronger his or her intention is in pro-environmental behaviors. Where as a more positive attitude results in stronger intention in pro-environmental behaviors. However, being more profound knowledge able about pro-environmental behaviors does not necessarily lead to a more positive attitude; while a positive attitude results in stronger intention in pro-environmental behavior.
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