


From Languishing to Flourishing: Exploration of the Types of Teachers' Mental Health Statuses and Predictors of Teachers' Mental Health




鐘珮純(Pei-Chun Chung);余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);許嘉家(Jia-Jia Syu);陳柏霖(Po-Lin Chen);趙珮晴(Pei-Ching Chao)


心理健康狀態類型 ; 教師生活瑣事 ; 影響領域特定性假說 ; domain-specific effects hypothesis ; teachers' daily hassles and uplifts ; types of mental health status




44卷3期(2013 / 03 / 01)


629 - 646




本研究目的在瞭解目前中小學教師的心理健康狀態類型之分佈情形,並探索教師心理健康之促進因子。本研究以正向心理學為理論基礎,提出心理健康狀態理論模型,並以影響領域特定性假說為理論基礎,探索教師從幽谷邁向巔峰的心理健康狀態之促進因子。本研究以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取樣本,共獲得1020位有效樣本,分別以主觀幸福感量表、台灣憂鬱症量表、及教師生活瑣事量表進行測量。研究結果發現:1. 大多數教師的心理疾病程度偏低,但仍有21.4%的中小學教師群,係屬於幽谷型的心理健康狀態類型;2. 教師從幽谷邁向巔峰的心理健康狀態之促進因子為正向生活瑣事。文末並針對實務工作及未來研究,提出各項具體相關建議。


The main purposes of this study were to explore the distribution of the teachers' mental health statuses, and to explore the facilitators that would facilitate teachers' mental health status from languishing to flourishing based on domain-specific effects hypothesis. Survey data were collected from 1020 teachers in Taiwan with stratified random sampling by Subjective Well-being Scale, Taiwan Depression Scale, and Teacher's Daily Hassles and Uplifts Scale. Results indicated that (a) most teachers did not exhibit mental illness symptoms, however, 21.4% of the teachers were classified into the languishing mental health status; (b) developing uplifts in daily life was a predictor of teachers transitioning from languishing to flourishing mental health statuses. Finally, suggestions for counseling interventions and future research were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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