


Practice and Opinion Survey of Counseling Psychologists in Taiwan




林家興(Chia-Hsin Lin)


執業調查 ; 諮商心理師 ; counseling psychologist ; practice survey




45卷3期(2014 / 03 / 01)


279 - 302






The purpose of the study was to investigate the current practice patterns of counseling psychologists in Taiwan and their opinions of practice-related issues. The research questions included practice locations, fee schedule, professional activities, working hour allocation, monthly incomes, fee setting authority, annual fee for association membership, participation in the National Health Insurance Plan, and counseling psychologist manpower. A total of 325 licensed counseling psychologists completed a questionnaire constructed by the researcher. The results of the study indicate that out of the 325 counseling psychologists: (a) 64.4% of them work in school settings; (b) 57.6% of them work full-time with an average monthly income of NT$44,809; (c) 42.4% of them work part-time with an average monthly income of NT$54,133; (d) Full-time counseling psychologists spent 30% of their work hours in direct service and almost 60% in administrative activities; (e) The averaged hour fee for counseling service is NT$1,268 and the reasonable hour fee according to the participants is NT$1,425; (f) 74.3% of the clients were assigned by the agency; (g) The majority of the counseling psychologists are specialized in counseling adolescents, college students, and adults with developmental and career issues in school settings; (h) Counseling psychologists' major professional activities are: individual counseling, classroom teaching, lecture and workshop, psychological testing and assessment, and group counseling; (i) Counseling psychologists served mostly adults, followed by adolescents, and then children; (j) Among the 325 respondents, 82.5% use psychological testing and 8.9% use biofeedback in their practice; (k) Relative majority of the respondents agreed that the counseling psychological association should set the fee schedule; (l) 76.3% of them agreed that counseling psychologists should join the National Health Insurance Plan as service providers; (m) 81.6% of the respondents plan to work full-time or part-time in professional organizations within the next 5 years; (n) 50.8% of the respondents believe there is a manpower shortage while 34.8% believe there is a manpower oversupply of counseling psychologists. Discussion of the research findings and suggestions for professional development and future research are presented in this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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