


An Analysis of Significant Events in Counseling with a Battered Woman Who Witnessed Domestic Violence during Childhood




戴谷霖(Ku-Lin Tai);陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen);黃素雲(Su-Yun Huang)


受暴婦女 ; 重要事件 ; 諮商歷程 ; IPR人際歷程回憶 ; battered woman ; counseling process ; significant events




45卷3期(2014 / 03 / 01)


367 - 391






The purpose of the study was to investigate the concerning issues and perception of significant events in the counseling process of a battered woman who witnessed domestic violence in childhood. This study used the counseling process research design. The counselor-client dyad had eight counseling sessions. After each session, the client was interviewed through Interpersonal Process Recall. The records of counseling and interview were all transformed into transcripts for data analysis. The major findings were as follows: (1) The concerning issues in the whole course of counseling were the client's perception of her husband, the communication and interaction with her husband and his family, shared finances, division of housework duties, parenting, decisions about relationships and circumstances, marital relationship, self-disclosure and exploration, the influence of witnessing domestic violence in childhood, self-care, and the reframing and coping of marital violence. (2) There were ten categories of positive and negative significant events perceived by the client. Suggestions are offered for counselors working with battered women, counseling practice, and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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