


An Existential-Phenomenological Study on the Transitional Experience of Suffering: Dialogues between Existential Phenomenology and Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy




盧怡任(Yi-Jen Lu);劉淑慧(Shu-Hui Liu)


存在現象學 ; 受苦轉變歷程 ; 現象學心理學 ; 諮商與心理治療 ; counseling and psychotherapy ; existential phenomenology ; phenomenological psychology ; transitional process of suffering




45卷3期(2014 / 03 / 01)


413 - 433






The human experience of suffering and the process of change have always been core issues in counseling and psychotherapy. This article reviewed theories of counseling and psychotherapy to address the paradox of each theory, and then explored the transitional experience of suffering from the perspectives of existential phenomenology. Based on such understanding, the experience-based connecting points in various theories were found. This study used an existential-phenomenology approach to carry out interviews with three interviewees under suffering. The second interview was conducted one and a half years after the first one; the third one was a half year after the second one. The three interviews expanded over two years, and was used to analyze the interviewees' transitional experience of suffering. The results showed that: (1) sufferers used bodies and emotions as tools to reflect upon the feasibility of their original projects and worldviews; (2) the key to sufferers' transitional experience included ”revising” their original project, and ”accepting” of the world considered a threat by them which are viewed as a learning process; (3) during the learning process, sufferers identified the paradox between past and present experience through psychological and embodied pain, and then started to find the solution. The learning process involved: (a) wishing to solve the problems; (b) re-understanding and accepting their past; (c) trying to solve the conflicts between the past and the present; (d) after the painful learning process, new situation or new possibility for sufferers appeared. This study discussed the existing descriptions of existential phenomenology on transitional experience of suffering from the viewpoint of counseling and psychotherapy, and made suggestions for counseling practitioners and future research. Limitations of this study were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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