


Comparison the Sex Roles Development of College Students between Taiwan and Mainland China




陳羿君(I-Jun Chen);劉電芝(Dian-Zhi Liu);朱江容(Jiang-Rong Zhu);陳翠(Cui Chen)


大學生 ; 性別角色 ; 性別特質 ; 兩岸對比 ; college students ; gender traits ; sex roles types ; the comparison crosses Taiwan Strait




46卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


205 - 232






In recent years, the frequent exchange of education and culture occurs between Taiwan and mainland China. However, the differences between these two different social environments may cause the younger generation to have the significant difference in the gender roles development. This study was conducted to examine the gender role development among 1017 college students from Taiwan and 1200 college students from mainland China. The results showed that: (a) for all participants, feminine traits are rated higher than masculine traits, and both traits scores are higher for mainland Chinese students than for students in Taiwan; (b) There are significant differences in gender role traits between Taiwan and mainland china; (c) For college students in Taiwan, the proportion of undifferentiated gender roles makes upthe majority, while the androgynous and traditional gender roles have a relatively small number of individuals. But for college students in mainland China, the distributions of androgynous, undifferentiated, and traditional gender roles (feminine and masculine) constitute about one third of the sample, respectively; (d) There are significant differences among the demographic variables in both Taiwan and mainland China; and the development of gender roles for college students in mainland China is higher than that in Taiwan; (e) The influencing factors of gender roles are numerous; Taiwanese students are more susceptible to these factors than those in mainland China.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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