


The Problem and Effect of Developing the Executive Function Curriculum for Economic Disadvantaged Children




陳雅鈴(Ya-Ling Chen)


幼教課程 ; 執行功能 ; 經濟弱勢幼兒 ; 鷹架策略 ; early childhood curriculum ; economic disadvantage children ; executive function ; scaffolding strategy




47卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


261 - 279






The purposes of this research were to develop the executive function curriculum for economic disadvantaged children, and to evaluate the problem and Effects of the EF curriculum. Data collection methods of the problems with developing and implementing the EF curriculum included regular discussion, film recording, and teaching reflection. Data of the Effectiveness of the EF curriculum were collected through observation in developing curriculum stage, and through EF tests in experimenting stage. Data of the problem with implementing EF curriculum were analyzed qualitatively. Data of the Effectiveness of the curriculum were analyzed using statistic methods. The experimental class of students consists of 90% of the economically disadvantaged children. The research results show that: the main problems of developing the EF curriculum includes: the lack of basic skills in "learning partnership" and "representing-planning-implementing-evaluating", which needs time to establish these skills. In addition, the scaffolding design often neglects the low-ability or inner children’s needs. The Effect evaluation shows that: when implementing the EF curriculum, teachers are more sensitive to children who have EF weakness. The intervention of teachers' EF teaching can often promote children's EF ability. Besides, the result of EF tests shows that children's EF ability has significant progress. However, the Effect of EF curriculum cannot exclude the influence of children's maturation because of the one-group pretest-posttest design. In the final part, researcher provides discussion and suggestion in the aspects of "EF implementing strategy", "age effect on EF ability", "evaluating methods of EF ability" and “controversial issue of EF concept".

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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