


Understanding Children's Conceptual Development of Distributive Justice along the Implicit-Explicit Dimension




徐華女(Hua-Nu Xu);黃蘊智(Wan-Chi Wong)


分配正義概念 ; 兒童期 ; 表徵重述模型 ; 道德發展 ; childhood ; concept of distributive justice ; moral development ; Representational Redescription model




48卷1期(2016 / 09 / 01)


37 - 51




本研究基於表徵重述模型,從“隱性–顯性"角度探討5-9 歲兒童分配正義概念的發展。受試者(N = 42)首先在7 個假設情境中完成分配任務並解釋分配理由(分配行爲反映概念掌握的隱性水平:水平I;言語解釋反映較高的顯性水平:水平E2/3),並於判斷任務中想像自己是法官來判斷他人分配的適切性(判斷表現反映顯性水平的初始形態:水平E1)。在接受關於上述情境中適切分配方案(以圖示呈現)的回饋後,受試者完成另一組分配任務並作出解釋。結果顯示,受試者在平等和公平概念的掌握水平上,分配行爲和判斷任務上的表現顯著高於言語解釋上的表現。對需要、按同理心分配和整合正義三類概念而言,含回饋後數據的分析顯示,分配行爲上的表現顯著高於言語解釋上的表現。總體上,受試者對五類分配正義子概念的掌握具有“隱性–顯性"表徵水平的差異。回饋促進了受試者對平等、需要和按同理心分配的顯性掌握。相對於5 歲組,7 歲和9 歲組在平等、公平和整合正義概念的掌握上顯著具較佳表現。


Based on the Representational Redescription model (Karmiloff-Smith, 1992), the present study investigated children's conceptual development of distributive justice along the implicit-explicit dimension. In this microdevelopmental study, forty-two children aged 5 to 9 years were asked to complete the distribution tasks and to provide verbal explanations for seven hypothetical scenarios in the first step. They were then invited to complete the judgment task of imagining themselves as judges who had to evaluate the appropriateness of a child's distributions in the seven scenarios. After making their judgment, the children received feedback on the appropriate distributions in the seven scenarios, which was presented in visual form as decisions of a large group of judges. In the last phase, the children completed another set of distribution tasks for seven similar scenarios and provided verbal explanations. Concerning the concepts of "equality" and "equity", children's performances were significantly higher on distribution behavior and judgment than on verbal explanation. Regarding the concepts of "need" and "integrated conception of justice", there were no significant differences in children's performances on distribution behavior, judgment, or verbal explanation; however, analysis including the data collected after feedback revealed significantly better performances on distribution behavior than verbal explanation. The same result was attained in a similar analysis in the post-feedback stage with regard to the concept of "distribution based on empathy". Overall, children's mastery of each subconcept of distributive justice showed differences in their representations along the implicit-explicit dimension. It is noteworthy that the effect of feedback was supported by the improvement in children's mastery of the concepts of "equality", "need", and "distribution based on empathy" in the explicit representation. In the analysis of developmental trends by age, the 7-and 9-year-olds performed significantly better than did the 5-year-olds in their mastery of the concepts of "equality", "equity", and "integrated conception of justice". By introducing a new theoretical and methodological approach to the study of children's conceptual understanding of distributive justice, we found differentiated forms of implicit and explicit representations of distributive justice. This approach also enables the refined analyses of children's developmental patterns with regard to the subconcepts of distributive justice along the implicit-explicit dimension. Taking consideration of the effects of the feedback on the development of children's concept of distributive justice, this study sheds light on the practice of moral education by reminding us that children may acquire implicit understanding without educators' explicit verbal explanation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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