This study investigated female college students' experiences of sexual harassment by male professors. In-depth interviews were used to collect data. The participants in this qualitative research were 10 female students who had been sexually harassed by male professors during their undergraduate career; for six of the participants, the incidents had occurred within one year of the interview, whereas for the other four participants, the incidents had occurred over one year before the interview. Data collection and analysis were conducted based on the grounded theory. The results indicated that the participants went through a series of processes, which affected future adaptation. First, not being able to put a name to the harassment with confusion and discomfort. Then, self- persuasion to deny the truth in the reverence or acknowledgement or good- impression of the teacher, or tolerance, repression, or dissociation in fear and anxiety even when they confirmed and realized the truth. When they received support from others and discovered other victims, the awakened rage would activate the will to seek justice. This study also discussed how the relationships between professors and students had affected the incidents of sexual harassment. The results can be used as a reference in future investigations of sexual harassment and during counseling and psychotherapy.
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