


A Variation of Professor-Student Affairs?-The Sexual Harassment Experiences of Female College Students




彭秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Peng);黃囇莉(Li-Li Huang)


大學女生 ; 性騷擾經驗 ; 師生性騷擾 ; female college students ; sexual harassment between professors and students ; the experiences of sexual harassment




48卷3期(2017 / 03 / 01)


427 - 448




本研究旨在探討大學女學生遭受男性教師性騷擾的經驗歷程。研究係以深度訪談法進行資料蒐集的質性研究,受訪者為曾遭遇男老師性騷擾的10 位女大學生,事件均發生在大學就學期間。事件發生距受訪時間一年以內者6 人,距一年以上者4 人。資料的收集與分析之過程採用紮根理論的理念。研究結果顯示,女大學生在師生性騷擾的經驗歷程為:一開始是無以名之的困惑與不舒服,接著可能因對師者權威的尊敬、感恩或好感而出現自我催眠式地否認,也可能雖確認性騷擾的存在卻因擔心、害怕而加以忍耐、壓抑或疏離,只有憤怒才會覺醒,在有足夠支持時才可能伸張正義並考慮採取行動,這些都會影響事後的適應。本研究嘗試討論先前不同的師生關係對性騷擾經驗的影響,藉以作為未來性騷擾調查以及進一步輔導諮商與治療之參考。


This study investigated female college students' experiences of sexual harassment by male professors. In-depth interviews were used to collect data. The participants in this qualitative research were 10 female students who had been sexually harassed by male professors during their undergraduate career; for six of the participants, the incidents had occurred within one year of the interview, whereas for the other four participants, the incidents had occurred over one year before the interview. Data collection and analysis were conducted based on the grounded theory. The results indicated that the participants went through a series of processes, which affected future adaptation. First, not being able to put a name to the harassment with confusion and discomfort. Then, self- persuasion to deny the truth in the reverence or acknowledgement or good- impression of the teacher, or tolerance, repression, or dissociation in fear and anxiety even when they confirmed and realized the truth. When they received support from others and discovered other victims, the awakened rage would activate the will to seek justice. This study also discussed how the relationships between professors and students had affected the incidents of sexual harassment. The results can be used as a reference in future investigations of sexual harassment and during counseling and psychotherapy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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