


Development and Validation of a Career Calling Scale for Working Adults in Taiwan




王玉珍(Yu-Chen Wang);吳清麟(Qing-Lin Wu)


生涯召喚 ; 成人工作者 ; 量表發展 ; Career calling ; Scale development ; Working adults




49卷1期(2017 / 09 / 01)


1 - 21




本研究旨在編製成人生涯召喚量表並進行信效度分析。量表發展分三階段,第一階段,以30 位20 歲以上之成人工作者為對象,透過焦點團體訪談蒐集生涯召喚相關經驗,以質性紮根方法進行分析,所得結果作為編製量表題目之基礎。第二階段,先進行專家效度檢核,接著進行預試分析,確立正式題目。所建構之量表包含興趣熱情、存在意義、助人利他與超越召喚等四部份,共計20題,以4 點量表方式填答,分數愈高表示該部分之生涯召喚程度愈明顯。第三階段,以548 位成人工作者為對象,年齡介於16 至58 歲(M = 35.59,SD = 11.48),進行正式量表之信效度驗證。四個分量表之內部一致性介於 .87 至 .92,總量表為 .97。社會服務與管理政治領域之工作者在各分量表的傾向顯著高於事務領域,各分量表與工作滿意度、自我效能具有正相關、與工作壓力呈現負相關,以及透過驗證性因素分析結果,顯示本量表具有不錯的建構效度及效標關聯效度。最後根據結果進行討論,並提出未來研究及實務應用的建議。


This study developed a career calling scale for working adults in Taiwan. In the first stage, the participants were 30 working adults over the age of 20. Focus group interviews were conducted to collect the data, that the author used to establish the scale as a pilot scale. In the second stage, three experts were invited to assess content validity. Then, a pre-test of the pilot scale was conducted to obtain 151 questionnaires, and the data was analyzed and selected under item analysis and factor analysis methods to establish a formal scale. The Career Calling Scale (CCS) contains 20 items rated on a 4-point scale and consists of four subscales: Interests and Passions, Life Meaning, Altruism, and Transcendent Summons. Higher scores people in each subscale show strong inclination toward that aspect. In the third stage, the participants were 548 working adults between the ages of 16 and 58 (M = 35.59, SD = 11.48). Reliability analysis indicated that the internal consistency of the four subscales was between .87 and .92, and the internal consistency of the whole scale was .97. The comparison of background variables showed that the scores for each subscale for social workers and enterprising workers were significantly higher than the scores for realistic workers. Using Job Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, and Work Stress as criteria, the test showed high criterion-related validity. Confirmatory factor analysis also showed a good model fit, which supported good construct validity. At the end, a discussion based on the results and suggestions for practice and future studies are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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