


Effect of Dongshi Based Dance Therapy Group on Body Image in Female College Students




馬心怡(Hsing-Yi Ma);姜忠信(Chung-Hsin Chiang);李宗芹(Tsung-Chin Lee)


正向身體意象 ; 身體意象 ; 預防方案 ; 舞蹈治療 ; Body image ; Dongshi-based dance/movement therapy ; Positive body image ; Prevention program




50卷3期(2019 / 03 / 01)


455 - 471




身體意象為現代女性自我發展之重要議題之一,過去預防方案多注重身體意象的負向之影響因素。近年「正向身體意象」重視個體對自己身體正向感受以及身心調和,但尚欠缺實踐探究。本研究旨在以動勢概念發展身體意象促進方案,探討此方案對提升女大學生自我身體欣賞、覺察程度,及降低負向身體意象之效果。本研究招募三組受試者,依次是實驗組(N = 14)、體育課組(N = 15)及控制組(N = 20),共49名某國立大學女性大學生參與。實驗組受試者接受每週1次,每次1.5小時,共計8次之團體介入。三組皆採用自陳氏問卷,於介入前、介入後以及三個月追蹤之三個時間點進行資料搜集。結果顯示,相較於體育課組及控制組,實驗組在身體覺察上於後測及三個月追蹤皆較前測有顯著之效果,實驗組的外貌比較行為亦較控制組有明顯降低。本研究嘗試以動勢取向舞蹈治療作為基礎,發展身體意象促進方案,初步發現可有效提升大學女生的身體覺察程度和比較外貌的行為。


Body image is a crucial issue in the self-development of modern women. Body dissatisfaction is believed to be one of the risk factors for eating disorder development in women in adolescent and young adult age brackets. Therefore, body image promotion programs have been provided for these groups. However, these programs have primarily emphasized negative body image factors. Although the concept of positive body image has been developed to emphasize positive feelings about one's body and body-mind attunement, a well-organized program is required to ensure this concept is put in practice. Moreover, most body image promotion programs focus on cognitive or behavioral methods of changing negative body image or body dissatisfaction, and such programs seemingly disregard strategies for directly experiencing or becoming aware of one's body and changing one's body image. Therefore, this study developed a body image promotion program that draws from Dongshi-based dance and movement therapy to examine its effectiveness in developing body appreciation and responsiveness and reduce negative body image. A total of 49 female students (aged 18-25 years) were recruited from a university in Taipei and were then categorized into three groups-namely, the experimental (N = 14), physical education (N = 15), and control (N = 20) groups. The experimental group attended eight weekly 1.5-hour sessions of the proposed program. Data for all three groups were collected using a self-reported questionnaire with three data collection points, namely, before participation, after participation, and during a 3-month follow-up. The results showed a significant effect on body awareness and physical appearance comparison behavior in the post-test and 3-month follow-up for the experimental group compared with the physical education and control groups. In conclusion, this study developed a Dongshi-based dance and movement therapy program to promote positive body image for female college students, with the initial results indicating an improvement in body awareness and appearance comparison behavior among the participants. Study limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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