


Construction of 4-Dimensional Perfectionism and Its Relationship with Achievement Goals and Burnout




張映芬(Ying-Fen Chang)


四向度完美主義 ; 成就目標 ; 自我導向型完美主義 ; 完美主義追求 ; 學習倦怠 ; 4-dimensional Perfectionism ; Achievement Goals ; Burnout ; Perfectionistic Strivings ; Self-oriented Perfectionism




50卷4期(2019 / 06 / 01)


611 - 635




完美主義為重要的人格因素,影響學生的學習動機、行為、適應。過去研究多以「特質」或「來源」分類完美主義,然研究結果卻有不一致的現象,即以單一「特質」或「來源」的分類似乎可有再細分空間。既然「特質」、「來源」皆是完美主義重要的分類方式,且以單一「特質」或「來源」的分類似乎有再細分空間,那麼似乎可結合二者來分類完美主義。因此,本研究建構2特質(完美主義追求/在意)× 2來源(自我導向型/社會期許型)的四向度完美主義,並探討其與成就目標、學習倦怠之關係。所以,本研究建構三個驗證性因素分析競爭模式以探討完美主義分類架構,以及建構「完美主義、成就目標、學習倦怠關係模式」以分析三者關係。本研究抽取二批八年級學生為樣本,共1310人,以結構方程模式進行分析。結果顯示:(1)「四向度完美主義模式」比「完美主義來源二階模式」、「完美主義特質二階模式」更適配;(2)「完美主義、成就目標、學習倦怠關係模式」與觀察資料適配;(3)自我導向型、社會期許型完美主義追求依序最能預測趨向精熟、趨向表現目標;(4)趨向精熟、趨向表現目標負向預測學習倦怠;逃避精熟、逃避表現目標正向預測學習倦怠;(5)自我導向型完美主義追求負向預測學習倦怠;自我導向型完美主義在意正向預測學習倦怠。本研究結合「特質」、「來源」分類完美主義以擴展過去研究;並發現四向度完美主義與四向度成就目標相對應關係,提供相關研究更豐富訊息;且以四向度成就目標的趨、避焦點分析其與學習倦怠關係彌補過去研究缺口。在教學應用上父母、教師可藉由提升孩子自我導向型完美主義追求、趨向精熟目標,降低社會期許型完美主義在意、逃避表現目標,將有效降低其學習倦怠。


Perfectionism is a highly influential personal disposition that affects students' learning motivation, behavior, and adjustment. Most studies have classified perfectionism according to its "character" or "resources"; however, the study results have been mixed. Thus, more detailed classification of perfectionism might be necessary. Furthermore, both "character" and "resources" are useful means by which to classify perfectionism. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct a 4-dimensional perfectionism model by employing 2 character aspects (perfectionistic strivings/perfectionistic concerns) and 2 resource aspects (self-oriented perfectionism/socially prescribed perfectionism) and explored the relationships of the 4-dimensional perfectionism with achievement goals and burnout. Accordingly, this study performed confirmatory factor analyses of three competing models of perfectionism in order to construct the 4-dimensional perfectionism model and then constructed a model of perfectionism, achievement goals and burnout in order to analyze the relationships of perfectionism with achievement goals and burnout. The participants were 1,310 junior high school students, and structural equation modeling was used. The following results were obtained: (a) the 4-dimensional perfectionism model fitted the observed data better than the other two competing models; (b) the model of perfectionism, achievement goals, and burnout fitted the observed data well; (c) self-oriented perfectionistic strivings had the strongest effect on approach-mastery goals, and socially prescribed perfectionistic strivings had the strongest effect on approach-performance goals; (d) approach-mastery and approach-performance goals negatively predicted burnout, and avoidance-mastery and avoidance-performance goals positively predicted burnout; and (e) self-oriented perfectionistic strivings negatively predicted burnout, and self-oriented perfectionistic concerns positively predicted burnout. This study classified perfectionism through combining both its "character" and "resources" dimensions to expand past studies. The findings concerning the relationships between 4-dimensional perfectionism and 4-dimensional achievement goals yield more abundant information than past related studies. The study focused on the perspectives of approach and avoidance to analyze the relationships between 4-dimensional achievement goals and burnout to overcome the research gap. In pedagogical implications, parents and teachers can promote children's self-oriented perfectionistic strivings and approach-mastery goals and decrease their socially prescribed perfectionistic concerns and avoidance-performance goals to lessen their burnout.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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