


A Meta-Analysis of the Learning Effects of Flipped Classroom on Elementary School and Junior High School Students




嚴銘政(Ming-Cheng Yen);黃寶園(Bao-Yuan Huang)


統合分析 ; 學習成效 ; 翻轉教室 ; Flipped classroom ; Learning effects ; Meta-analysis




51卷1期(2019 / 09 / 01)


23 - 50




本研究旨在探討國內運用翻轉教室對國中小學生學習成效之影響,以Hedges與Olkin(1985)技術等統合分析法進行資料分析。自臺灣博碩士論文加值系統進行論文蒐集,以「翻轉教室」、「翻轉教學」、「翻轉學習」等關鍵詞進行篩選,篩選後且達標準之論文共49篇,包括認知層面48篇,情意層面31篇。蒐集之研究報告利用Borenstein、Hedges、Higgins與Rothstein設計的Comprehensive Meta-Analysis(CMA)3.0版軟體進行整體加權平均效果量(g值)、同質性檢定、出版偏誤檢測及類別模式分析。結果顯示:一、翻轉教室對國中小學生學習成效之影響是正向有效的,認知層面的效果量為0.308,達到Cohen小的效果量;情意情面的效果量為0.517,達到Cohen中度效果量。二、存有調節變項影響翻轉教室對國中小學生的學習成效,認知層面的調節變項有學科領域、數位學習平台使用的有無與種類、自學教材的類型、自學檢核機制的有無與形式、學生中心教學活動方式及教學實驗時間;情意層面的調節變項有學生年級、學科領域、數位學習平台使用的有無與種類、自學教材的類型、自學檢核機制的有無與形式、學生中心教學活動方式及教學實驗時間,其中有使用數位學習平台、以自錄教學影片為學生課前自學教材、及有檢核學生自學狀況等三種調節變項均能提升翻轉教室認知或情意層面的學習成效。最後,根據結果提出相關建議,俾供國中小教師、翻轉教室研究者,以及統合分析研究者參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effects of flipped classrooms on elementary school and junior high school students in Taiwan. The data were analyzed according to the method of Hedges and Olkin (1985) and other technology of meta-analysis. The keywords "flipped classroom," "flipped teaching," and "flipped learning" were used to search for relevant theses in the Taiwanese Master's thesis system. A total of 49 relevant theses, including 48 in the cognition domain and 31 in the affective domain, were obtained. The theses were analyzed on the overall weighted mean effect size (Hedges' g), homogeneity by using Cochrane's Q, and publication bias by using a funnel plot and the trim and fill method. Categorical model analysis was performed on the theses by using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 3.0 software, which was designed by Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Flipped classrooms positively influence learning effects for elementary school and junior high school students in Taiwan. The effect size for the cognition domain was 0.308, which equaled Cohen's small effect. The effect size for the affective domain was 0.517, which equaled Cohen's medium effect. (2) Moderator variables influence the learning effects of flipped classrooms on elementary school and junior high school students in Taiwan. Moderator variables of the learning effects of the cognitive domain include subjects, types of e-learning platforms, self-learning materials, self-learning inspection mechanisms, student-centered instructions, and elapsed teaching time. Moderator variables of the learning effects of the affective domain include students of different grades, subjects, types of e-learning platforms, self-learning materials, self-learning inspection mechanisms, student-centered instructions, and elapsed teaching time. According to the obtained results, some suggestions are proposed for elementary school and junior high school teachers, flipped classroom researchers, and meta-analysis researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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