


Study on Recreation Site Choice Behavior: Application of Stated Preference Model




林晏州(Yann-Jou Lin)


遊憩選擇行為 ; 聯合分析 ; 敘述偏好 ; 偏好評值 ; 偏好排序 ; Recreation choice behavior ; conjoint analysis ; stated preference ; preference score ; preference ranking




13卷1期(2000 / 03 / 01)


63 - 86






This study developed a conjoint model to examine public preferences for recreation sites and to compare relative importance of site attributes which may influence their site choice behavior. Eighteen combinations of five site attributes were simulated. The respondents were asked to give a preference score or preference ranking to every alternative of these recreation sites. The conjoint choice model was estimated for the preference score and preference ranking data. It showed that the alternative rankings derived from mean preference scores and median of preference ranking was highly correlated. The relative importance of site attributes was similar in both models. The most important attribute affecting site choice behavior was the quality of recreation facilities and services, followed by natural landscape resources, total cost of the trip, and cultural landscape resources. The opportunity for engaging in water-based and/or land-based recreation activities was the least important attribute.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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