


Why People Are Willing to Pay to Preserve Wetlands?-A Purchase Model or a Contribution Model?




許義忠(Yi-Chung Hsu)


假設性市場評估法 ; 保育價值 ; 經濟動機 ; 道德動機 ; 利他主義 ; Contingent valuation method ; Preservation value ; Economic motive ; Ethical motive ; Altruism




13卷3期(2000 / 09 / 01)


49 - 70




本研究的目的是要調查美國東南四州居民,對兩個濕地保護區的保育價值,這兩個保護區一個在美國,一個在臺灣。由於評估保育價值的主要方法-假設性市場評估法(Contingent Valuation Method)的信度效度經常被質疑,因此,本研究同時調查該四州居民保育價值的動機。 本研究使用兩個不同版本的問卷,郵寄給美國東南四州的兩千個居民,問卷回收率美國羅德島版本是百分之23.8,臺灣關渡版本是百分之20.6。研究結果顯示有22%的人願意付錢來保育臺灣關渡保護區;有43%的人願意付錢來保育羅德島保護區;關渡保護區的保育價值是美金$10.13,羅德島保護區的保育價值是美金$21.73;保育臺灣關渡保護區的道德動機顯著大於保育美國羅德島保護區。 研究結論如下:保育價值的願付動機包含道德動機和經濟動機,因此對此特定環境財的消費行為,既是購買行為也是捐獻行為;在付錢保護不便利、遙遠、且不熟悉的濕地保護區時,有些人似乎存在著利他主義,但某些人卻顯露出民族主義的跡象;研究證明假設性市場評估法仍然是評估非市場環境財相當具有信度效度的評量工具。文末也討論研究結果對環境保育政策及管理的啟示與涵義。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the preservation value and the motives to pay to preserve two waterfowl reserves, one in Rhode Island and one in Taiwan. Two versions of a self-administered questionnaire were distributed to 2,000 individuals in four southeastern states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The response rates were 23.8 percent and 20.6 percent for Rhode Island and Taiwan versions, respectively. The findings revealed that 22% and 43% of the respondents were willing to pay to preserve the Taiwan site and the Rhode Island site, respectively. The WTP value for the Rhode Island site was significantly greater than that for the Taiwan site (mean values US$21.73 and US$10.13, respectively). The results also indicated that the Taiwan subgroup scored higher on ethical motives for allocating monies for preservation than did their Rhode Island counterparts. Conclusions were drawn. First, the motives to preserve wetlands include both economic and ethical motives, therefore, it was concluded that the consumption behavior of environmental goods was a purchase model and a contribution model. Second, to pay to preserve a nonaccessible, far away, and unfamiliar environmental amenity, some showed a sense of altruism, while some expressed a sign of nationalism. Lastly, Contingent Valuation Method was proved a valid and reliable method of evaluating nonmarket environmental goods. Implications for environmental policy and management were discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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