


Alternative Approach of Alleviating Juvenile Delinquency: Benefits-Based Management of Recreation Services




許義忠(Yi-Chung Hsu);莊麗君(Ophelia Lih-Jiun C. Hsu)


BBM ; 危險因子 ; 保護因子 ; 彈性 ; BBM ; Risk factors ; Protective factors ; Resiliency




15卷2期(2002 / 06 / 01)


71 - 91




近十年來美國發展出一套全新的休閒遊憩模式,能夠幫助解決青少年偏差行爲的問題,此模式稱爲利益爲管理導向的休閒遊憩服務(Benefits-based Management of Recreation Services,簡稱BBM)。BBM模式的理論基礎建立在彈性理論、危險因子、與保護因子三種概念中,以休閒的相對自由與不具威脅性,能幫助青少年面對危險環境,克服危險因子,增進青少年的保護因子及適應社會的能力。經過德州農工大學與南卡州克蕾姆森大學多年的努力,已發展出頗爲完善的BBM活動規劃模式及有效的評量工具。本文除呼籲國內休閒遊憩學術界與實務界能重視休閒利益導向的趨勢,及早從事更多的相關研究外,並介紹BBM的美國經驗與台灣經驗,同時亦就BBM模式研究對學術界與其他應用方面的涵義與啟示加以討論。


Since early 1990s, a new recreational model was developed to help at-risk youths enhance their ability to defeat adversity they may encounter daily, and ultimately solve the social issue of juvenile delinquency. This model was called Benefits-based Management of Recreation Services (BBM). The theoretical foundation of BBM was based on concepts of resiliency, risk factors, and protective factors. The rationale behind BBM was that leisure, with its relative freedom and un-threatened environments, is capable of helping at-risk youths face and overcome risk factors. Texas A&M University and Clemson University have developed a BBM activity planning model as well as valid measuring instruments. The purpose of this article was to introduce the BBM concepts with the hope that recreation researchers and practitioners can become more interested in the benefits based approach of leisure and recreation field. This article intended to share both U. S. and Taiwan BBM experiences. Some implications and applications of BBM research were discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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