In this study, the cruise ship was introduced as an alternative virtual tour mode, which was a competitive one with airplane, between Taiwan and its minor islands. The research objective was to explore the influential factors of individuals' preferences (or choices) on cruise vacation. A survey was conducted to collect the associated data. The sample consisted of 346 respondents. The ordered probit model and binary logit model were used to determine individuals' preferences on tour modes and to estimate the parameters. The results indicaded that the respondents who perceived the comfort and convenience as well as the social benefits provided by cruise were more likely to take the ship. However, the degree of understanding about cruise and the socioeconomic variables had the different effects on their preferences on tour modes. Without concern of the price, nearly 40% of the respondents would join the cruise voyage if the services were supplied. Though the interesting findings were obtained from this pilot study, some significant variables, such as price and travel time, will be included into the future research for the in-depth evaluation of the cruise market in Taiwan region.
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