


The Influences of Development Stages and Tourism Dependency on Tourism Impact Perceptions


吳宗瓊(Tsung-Chiung Wu)


觀光衝擊 ; 觀光發展階段 ; 觀光產業依賴性 ; Tourism impact ; community development ; tourism dependency




16卷1期(2003 / 03 / 01)


45 - 61






Many rural communities attempt to utilize ”tourism” as an important community development strategy. However, if one considers both tourism positive and negative impact, tourism is really not a panacea for every community. Tourism development cannot sustain in an area for long, unless it can really contribute to the host community. In this way, residents' perceptions of tourism's impact plays a critical role. Tourism impact perception is the major issue for this study. In addition to illustrating the impact level and the multiple dimensions of tourism impact perceptions, this research further examines the influences of ”community tourism development level” and ”tourism industry dependency” on impact perceptions. This study's results revealed that, in general, residents held positive perceptions toward tourism development. Six tourism impact perception dimensions were extracted. Finally, both ”community tourism development level” and ”tourism industry dependency” have significant influence on residents' tourism impact perceptions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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