


The Inference of Tourism Image on Tourist's Behavioral Intention on Taiwan's Coastal Scenic Area: Testing the Mediating Variable of Tourists' Satisfaction




林若慧(Jo-Hui Lin);陳澤義(Tser-Yieth Chen);劉瓊如(Chyong-Ru Liu)


旅遊意象 ; 滿意度 ; 行爲意圖 ; Tourism image ; satisfaction ; behavioral intention




16卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22




本文旨在探討海岸風景區遊客對旅遊目的地之意象與其行爲意圖之關係,首先依據文獻建立觀念性架構,再以調查方式訪問654名東北角海岸國家風景區遊客,最後則以線性結構方程模型(LISREL model)分析研究變數問之關係與進行假設檢定。本文之目的爲驗證並精簡Bigne等人(2001)所提之「意象-品質-滿意-行爲」問之關係。研究發現:自然景觀意象與社會文化意象均是影響海岸風景區整體旅遊意象的主要因素;本文同時亦測試遊憩滿意度的仲介角色,證實整體意象與遊憩活動意象會經由遊客滿意度之仲介效果,進而間接地影響遊客之行爲意圖。最後建議主管單位參酌本研究結論,俾便能擬定有助於目的地行銷之策略。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between destination image and tourists' behavioral intention on Taiwan's Coastal Scenic Area. In this study we first attempted to establish a conceptual model of causality based on literature review. Next, we interviewed 654 participants and administered a questionnaire. Finally, we analyzed the causal relationships among various variables and tested hypotheses using a linear structural relation model. This study aimed to examine and to simplify the relationship among ”image”, ”quality perception”, ”satisfaction”, and ”behavior” for tourists of the coastal destination. This empirical study indicated that images of natural sceneries and socialcultural are the direct antecedent of holistic image and tourists' satisfaction. The study also identified satisfaction as a mediating variable between tourism images and behavioral intention. Furthermore, images of recreational activities and holistic images are the key factors for tourists' satisfaction. This also shows that satisfaction might indirectly influence the behavioral intention of tourists. The results suggest marketing strategies for the destination's administration.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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