


Perceived Competence and Self-Determination: Facilitators of Satisfaction of Older Adults' Recreational Experience




張樑治(Lian-Chih Chang);陳朝圳(Chaur-Tzuhn Chen);蔡志堅(Chih-Chien Tsai)


需求理論 ; 遊憩參與 ; Need theory ; recreational pursuit




17卷3期(2004 / 09 / 01)


37 - 50




It is very important to explore the cause of satisfaction of older adults' recreational experience in order to effectively promote their satisfied experience. The purpose of this study is to test the contingence hypothesis of satisfaction of recreational experience, resulted from compliance with the perspective of Need Theory, indicating that both perceived competence and self-determination simultaneously positively contribute to a satisfied experience in a recreational pursuit. The hypothesis was tested by means of one-group pretest/posttest design. Twenty-two women and 29 men (70.7 years of age on average) volunteered for the study. Data collected from a recreational experience scale were analyzed using paired-samples t-test with SPSS 10.0. The finding based upon the analysis showed that the quantitative scores of respondents' recreational experience after perceived competence and self-determination were higher than before (t=14.35; p<0.01). Namely, competence and self-determination could significantly affect older adults' recreational experience. Implications of the finding are discussed in the study.


It is very important to explore the cause of satisfaction of older adults' recreational experience in order to effectively promote their satisfied experience. The purpose of this study is to test the contingence hypothesis of satisfaction of recreational experience, resulted from compliance with the perspective of Need Theory, indicating that both perceived competence and self-determination simultaneously positively contribute to a satisfied experience in a recreational pursuit. The hypothesis was tested by means of one-group pretest/posttest design. Twenty-two women and 29 men (70.7 years of age on average) volunteered for the study. Data collected from a recreational experience scale were analyzed using paired-samples t-test with SPSS 10.0. The finding based upon the analysis showed that the quantitative scores of respondents' recreational experience after perceived competence and self-determination were higher than before (t=14.35; p<0.01). Namely, competence and self-determination could significantly affect older adults' recreational experience. Implications of the finding are discussed in the study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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