


Service Quality in the Leisure- Education Parent's and Children's Sports Meetings: A Comparative Study of Competing Models




林大翔(Ta-Hsiang Lin);張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang);黃芳銘(Fang-Ming Hwang)


休閒教育 ; 親子運動會 ; 服務品質 ; 競爭模式 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; Leisure education ; parents and children sports meeting ; service quality ; competing models strategies ; confirmatory factor analysis




18卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


1 - 21




休閒教育親子運動會是幼稚園每學年重要活動項目之一,爲瞭解幼稚園休閒教育親子運動會之服務品質之情況,須藉以建立一套有效的服務品質衡量量表,以作爲日後辦理各類活動參考之依據。因此本研究參考Brady與Cronin (2001)和Chang (2002)之服務品質量表,改編成休閒教育親子運動會服務品質量表。以驗證性因素分析(CFA)進行各種競爭模式的假設檢定,找出休閒教育親子教育運動會服務品質量表之最佳模式。結果發現,二階多因素斜交模式爲休閒教育親子運動會服務品質之最佳模式。


The leisure-education parent's and children's sports meeting is one of the most important activities of the kindergarten every year. In an attempt to have a further understanding of the service quality of this leisure education parent's and children's sports meeting in kindergarten, a valid service-quality measurement scale was proposed as the reference for holding various activities in the future. As a result, in this study, the service quality scales of Brady & Cronin (2001) and Chang (2002) were taken as reference and adapted into the Service Quality Scale of the Leisure-Education Parent's and Children's Sports Meeting. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied for conducting the hypothesis testing of various competing model's strategies in to order find the best model for the service quality scale of the leisure-education parent's and children's sports meeting. The findings show that a second-order multi-factor oblique model could be considered the best model for the service quality of the leisure-education parent's and children's sports meeting.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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